¡Milibrohispano felicita a los autores por su compromiso con la excelencia!
Milibrohispano se enorgullece en felicitar a nuestros miembros por sus logros excepcionales en los Premios ILBA 2024, donde recibieron 33 menciones honoríficas en diversas categorías. Este reconocimiento es un testimonio del talento y dedicación de nuestros autores en la promoción de la cultura hispana a través de la literatura.
*La siguiente lista de obras premiadas se tomó del anuncio de los ganadores publicado por Empowering Latino Futures, entidad convocante de los Premios ILBA:
The Alma Flor Ada Best Latino Focused Children’s Picture Book Award
- Honorable Mention, Arepas en el bosque con caperucita y el lobo, Lismar Marcano, Books & Play CO, Miami/Florida; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: Miami, FL.
- Honorable Mention, Eduardito y el Coquicóptero – Eduardito and the Coquicopter, María Estelle Picouto; Ancestry of the author(s): Puerto Rico; The author(s) lives in: Charleston/Columbia SC.
- Honorable Mention, Gregorina en Chicago, La ciudad de los vientos / in Chicago The Windy City, Milagros Wallace, Snow Fountain Press; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: Chicago, IL.
Best Children’s Fiction Picture Book – Bilingual
- Honorable Mention, Clemente una ardilla diferente/ Clemente the Different Squirrel, Estela Solis Torneria, Ancestry of the author(s): Chile; The author(s) lives in: Orlando, FL.
Best Children’s Nonfiction Picture Book
- Honorable Mention, Chickens Don’t Go Meow! / ¡Las gallinas no hacen miau!, Susana Illera Martínez and Julia A. Davis, illustrated by Erica Leigh, Snow Fountain Press; Ancestry of the author(s): Colombia & Argentina; The author(s) lives in: Miami, FL & Birmingham, AL.
Best Educational Children’s Picture Book
- Honorable Mention, Maximiliano, siempre serás lo máximo, Nana & Nina; Ancestry of the author(s): Yabucoa, PR; The author(s) lives in: Kingsport, Tennessee; Humacao, PR.
- Honorable Mention, Mis botones mágicos, Thaís Navarrete, illustrated by Alynor Díaz, Snow Fountain Press; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: Miami, FL.
- Honorable Mention, Ronda, la anaconda, Andrea Olatunji, Cuentacuento Books; Ancestry of the author(s): Uruguay; The author(s) lives in: New Orleans.
- Honorable Mention, Somos niños nos vamos de safari, Alicia Dal Pra, illustrated by Adriana Franco; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: New York, NY.
Most Inspirational Children’s Picture Book – Bilingual
- Honorable Mention, Gregorina en Chicago, La ciudad de los vientos / in Chicago The Windy City, Milagros Wallace, Snow Fountain Press; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: Chicago, IL.
- Honorable Mention, Tulum un perro de cuidad / Tulum a city dog, Omira Bellizzio, illustrated by Richard Escalona, Translated by Sofía Subero, Poetapop; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: Coral Gables, FL.
Most Inspirational Children’s Picture Book – English
- Honorable Mention, Kissed by The Sun, Brenda Arce, Dream Jupiter; Ancestry of the author(s): Puerto Rico (ancestry); The author(s) lives in: Miami, FL.
Best Chapter Fiction Book
- Honorable Mention, Hernán y el bosque de los secretos, Maritza Gueler, illustrated by Julieta Pérez, MBEditora; Ancestry of the author(s): Argentina; The author(s) lives in: Washington, DC.
Most Inspirational Young Adult Book
- Honorable Mention, Como una fiera, Edi Álvarez, Editorial Raíces P.R./Servicios Educativos Integrales LLC; Ancestry of the author(s): Puerto Rico; The author(s) lives in: Charlotte, NC.
Most Inspirational Nonfiction Book – Spanish
- Honorable Mention, Seis lecciones del camino, Dra. Maria Calixta Ortiz, Ediciones sí o sí; Ancestry of the author(s): Puerto Rico; The author(s) lives in: San Juan, PR.
Best Self Transformation Book – Spanish
- Honorable Mention, Autoconfianza – El Poder de creer en ti, Jesús Neira Quintero, Snow Fountain Press; Ancestry of the author(s): Colombia; The author(s) lives in: Bogotá, Colombia.
- Honorable Mention, Crecer para ganar: Pensando fuera de la caja, Dr. Aníbal P. Santoro, THINSCEN The Inner Strengthening Center Publishing House; Ancestry of the author(s): Argentina, Italian; The author(s) lives in: Doral, FL.
- Honorable Mention, Nosotros: Manual para comprender tu vida, Dr. Aníbal P. Santoro; Ancestry of the author(s): Argentina- ascendencia italiana; The author(s) lives in: Doral, FL.
Best Health & Wellness Book
- Honorable Mention, El inesperado regalo del trauma: Una guía para el crecimiento postraumático, Dra. Edith Shiro, HarperCollins Español; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: Miami, FL
The Rudolfo Anaya Best Latino Focused Fiction Book Award – Spanish
- Honorable Mention, 50 Historias de Drivers, Américo Ramírez, Caligrama; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: Palm Beach, FL.
The Isabel Allende Most Inspirational Fiction Book Award – Spanish
- Honorable Mention, Amigos, un cuento de vida, Sami Kuri Murad; Ancestry of the author(s): México de ascendencia libanesa; The author(s) lives in: Ciudad de México.
Best Novel – Mystery – Spanish
- Honorable Mention, Mensajes ocultos, Aida Sánchez Figueroa; Ancestry of the author(s): Puerto Rico; The author(s) lives in: San Juan, PR.
Best Novel – Fantasy
- Honorable Mention, Ojos de plata y la corona del mal, Annette Candelaria Rodríguez; Ancestry of the author(s): EU, PR; The author(s) lives in: Arecibo, PR.
- Honorable Mention, Una noche en el Distrito rojo, Astrid Jeannett Gornés Ortiz; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: Columbus, OH.
Best Collection of Short Stories – Spanish
- Honorable Mention, Una sola línea – Volumen 2, Alexandra Castrillón Gómez; Ancestry of the author(s): Colombia; The author(s) lives in: Ciudad de México
Best Fiction – Horror
- Honorable Mention, Una noche en el Distrito rojo, Astrid Jeannett Gornés Ortiz; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: Columbus, OH.
Best eBook
- Honorable Mention, Chickens Don’t Go Meow! / ¡Las gallinas no hacen miau!, Susana Illera Martínez and Julia A. Davis, Illustrated by Erica Leigh, Snow Fountain Press; Ancestry of the author(s): Colombia & Argentina; The author(s) lives in: Miami, FL & Birmingham, AL.
Best Cover Design
- Honorable Mention, Chickens Don’t Go Meow! / ¡Las gallinas no hacen miau!, Susana Illera Martínez and Julia A. Davis, Illustrated by Erica Leigh, Snow Fountain Press; Ancestry of the author(s): Colombia & Argentina; The author(s) lives in: Miami, FL & Birmingham, AL.
- Honorable Mention, Confesiones desde el abismo, Jorge Ancízar Mejía, PanHouse Casa editorial; Ancestry of the author(s): Colombia; The author(s) lives in: Miami, FL.
- Honorable Mention, Miguel y el toro / Miguel and The Bull, Milagros Wallace, BPRO Editorial; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: Chicago, IL
- Honorable Mention, Strelin y su viaje al planeta azul / and Her Journey to the Blue Planet, Isis Macedo, Snow Fountain Press; Ancestry of the author(s): México; The author(s) lives in: Chicago, IL.
Best Use of Photos or Illustrations Inside a Book
- Honorable Mention, Somos niños nos vamos de safari, Alicia Dal Pra, illustrated by Adriana Franco; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: New York, NY.
Best Author Video Promoting a Book
- Honorable Mention, Maximiliano, siempre serás lo máximo, Nana & Nina; Ancestry of the author(s): Yabucoa, PR; The author(s) lives in: Kingsport, Tennessee; Humacao, PR.
Best Children’s Picture Book Translation – English to Spanish
- Honorable Mention, Strelin y su viaje al planeta azul / and Her Journey to the Blue Planet, Isis Macedo, Snow Fountain Press; Ancestry of the author(s): México; The author(s) lives in: Chicago, IL.
Best First Book – Children & Youth
- Honorable Mention, Somos niños nos vamos de safari, Alicia Dal Pra, illustrated by Adriana Franco; Ancestry of the author(s): Venezuela; The author(s) lives in: New York, NY.
Best First Book – Fiction – Spanish
- Honorable Mention, Amén Ausente, Betty Díaz, Publicaciones Te Pienso; Ancestry of the author(s): Puerto Rico; The author(s) lives in: San Juan, PR.
- Honorable Mention, Reino de serpientes, Natania V. Alicea Quiles, Enserio; Ancestry of the author(s): Puerto Rico; The author(s) lives in: Caguas, PR.
- Honorable Mention, Virtus Draconis: Precio en sangre, Edi Álvarez; Ancestry of the author(s): Puerto Rico; The author(s) lives in: Charlotte, NC.
Luis Valdez Best Play or Collection of Plays
- Honorable Mention, ¿Doña? ¡Tu abuela!, Liz Arroyo, Mr. Dávila, Virnalís González, Brenda Díaz, Damaris Rivera, Lee Diaz, Getea, Sandra Colorado, Sonia Seda, Portadas PR; Ancestry of the author(s): Puerto Rico; The author(s) lives in: Cabo Rojo, PR.
The Juan Felipe Herrera Best Poetry Book Award – One Author – Spanish
- Honorable Mention, Alas, Yenny Li, Snow Fountain Press; Ancestry of the author(s): Cuba; The author(s) lives in: Hialeah, FL.
- Honorable Mention, Lo que pienso y siento, Leonor Torres, Snow Fountain Press ; Ancestry of the author(s): Cuba; The author(s) lives in: Miami, FL.
- Honorable Mention, Muchos amores y uno solo, Ana Gerónimo; Ancestry of the author(s): Dominican Republic; The author(s) lives in: Guadalajara, México.
* * * * * * * * * *
Lista de las 33 obras reconocidas con Mención de honor en los ILBA 2024:
- Arepas en el bosque con caperucita y el lobo
- Eduardito y el Coquicóptero – Eduardito and the Coquicopter
- Gregorina en Chicago, la ciudad de los vientos / in Chicago The Windy City
- Clemente, una ardilla diferente / Clemente the Different Squirrel
- Chickens don’t go meow! / ¡Las gallinas no hacen miau!
- Maximiliano, siempre serás lo máximo
- Mis botones mágicos
- Ronda, la anaconda
- Somos niños nos vamos de safari
- Tulum un perro de cuidad / Tulum a city dog
- Kissed by the Sun
- Hernán y el bosque de los secretos
- Como una fiera
- Seis lecciones del camino
- Autoconfianza – El poder de creer en ti
- Crecer para ganar: Pensando fuera de la caja
- Nosotros: Manual para comprender tu vida
- El inesperado regalo del trauma: Un guía para el crecimiento postraumático
- 50 historias de drivers
- Amigos un cuento de vida
- Mensajes ocultos
- Ojos de plata y la corona del mal
- Una noche en el distrito rojo
- Una sola línea – Volumen 2
- Strelin y su viaje al planeta azul / and Her Journey to the Blue Planet
- Confesiones desde el abismo
- Miguel y el toro / Miguel and the Bull
- Alas
- Lo que pienso y siento
- Muchos amores y uno solo
- Amén ausente
- Reino de serpientes
- Virtus draconis: Precio en sangre