Hispanic Heritage Literature Organization / Milibrohispano celebra el 1st. Hispanic Heritage Poetry Festival 2018 que tendrá lugar los días 18 y 19 de octubre de 2018 de 5:30 PM a 9:00 PM, en CITYPLACE, Doral, localizado en 8300 NW 36th Street, Doral, FL 33166.
Estamos honrados con la participación de Xánath Caraza en nuestro evento.
Xánath Caraza es viajera, educadora, poeta y narradora. Proviene de Xalapa, Veracruz, México.Enseña en la Universidad de Missouri-Kansas City. Escribe para Seattle Escribe, La Bloga, Smithsonian Latino Center y Revista Literaria Monolito. Es Writer-in-Residence en Westchester Community College, Nueva York desde 2016. En 2018 recibió de los International Latino Book Awards primer lugar: “Mejor libro de poesía—un autor—español” por su poemario Lágrima roja y primer lugar: “Mejor libro de poesía—un autor—bilingüe” por su poemario Sin preámbulos. Su poemario Sílabas de viento recibió el 2015 International Book Award de poesía. También recibió mención de honor como mejor libro de poesía en español por los International Latino Book Awards de 2015. En 2014 recibió la Beca Nebrija para Creadores del Instituto Franklin, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares en España. En 2013 fue nombrada número uno de los diez mejores autores latinos para leer por LatinoStories.com. Sus poemarios Donde la luz es violeta, Tinta negra, Ocelocíhuatl, Conjuro y su colección de relatos Lo que trae la marea han recibido reconocimientos nacionales e internacionales. Sus otros poemarios son Hudson, Le sillabe del vento, Noche de colibríes, Corazón pintado y su segunda colección de relatos, Metztli. Ha sido traducida al inglés, italiano y griego; y parcialmente traducida al náhuatl, portugués, hindi, turco y rumano. Caraza es juez desde 2013 para los José Martí Publishing Awards, The National Association of Hispanic Publications (NAHP). Desde 2012 organiza el National Poetry Month (NaPoMo) para la organización literaria Con Tinta. Su trabajo ha sido incluido Google Arts & Culture.
Xánath Caraza is a traveler, educator, poet and short story writer. Originally from Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, she has lived in Vermont and Kansas City. She has an M.A. in Romance Languages. She lectures in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Her poetry collection, Sílabas de viento (2014) is from Mammoth Publications. Her chapbook, Noche de Colibríes: Ekphrastic Poems (2014) if from Pandora Lobo Estepario Press. Her short story collection, Lo que trae la marea/What the Tide Brings(2013) is from Mouthfeel Press. Her full-length book of poetry Conjuro(2012) is from Mammoth Publications and her chapbook Corazón Pintado: Ekphrastic Poems (2012) is from TL Press. Caraza is a writer for La Bloga and she writes the US Latino Poets en español column. In addition, she writes the poetry/narrative section for Revista Zona de Ocio. She curates the National Poetry Month, Poem-a-Day project, for the Con Tinta Literary Organization since 2012. Caraza was a judge for the 2015, 2014 and 2013 José Martí Publishing Awards, The National Association of Hispanic Publications (NAHP). Xánath Caraza has participated to several international poetry festivals and she is an advisory circle member of the Con Tinta literary organization and a former board member of the Latino Writers Collective in Kansas City. Currently she is working on her second short story collection, Cebollas moradas, and her new collection of poetry Ocelocihuatl.
Her book of poetry, Sílabas de viento/Syllables of Wind, received the 2015 International Book Award for Best Book of Poetry. It also received Honorable Mention for Best Book of Poetry in Spanish in the 2015 International Latino Book Awards. She is the recipient of the Beca Nebrija para Creadores 2014 from the Instituto Franklin in Spain. Her poem, “Ante el río/Before the River” was selected by the Smithsonian Latino Virtual Museum in 2013 to promote Day of the Dead. Her short story, “China Poblana” was selected by the Smithsonian Latino Virtual Museum in 2014 to promote Day of the Dead. Caraza is an Award Winning Finalist in the ‘Fiction: Multicultural’ category of the 2013 International Book Awards. Her book Conjuro was awarded second place in the ‘Best Poetry Book in Spanish’ category and received honorable mention in the ‘Best First Book in Spanish, Mariposa Award’ category of the 2013 International Latino Book Awards. She was named number one of the 2013 Top Ten “New” Latino Authors to Watch (and Read) by LatinoStories.com. Her short story collection, Lo que trae la marea/What the Tide Brings, is an Award Winning Finalist in the ‘Fiction: Short Story Category of the 2014 International Book Awards’; it also received second place in ‘Best Translated Book of Fiction, Spanish to English’ category and Honorable Mention in ‘Best Popular Fiction in Spanish’ category of the 2014 International Latino Book Awards, it also made the Notable Latino Books 2012-2013 by LatinoStories.com. Caraza has been nominated for the 2013 Pushcart Prize for short fiction. She also won the 2003 Ediciones Nuevo Espacio international short story contest in Spanish and was a 2008 finalist for the first international John Barry Award.
Foto portada, crédito: Carlos-Aguasaco.